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  • Many readers have recently reached out with questions about masks—which kind of mask should they wear? How do they wear them correctly? Should they be double-masking? And so on. So we asked the masking experts for tips based on the latest research

    Face masks are much more than a symbol. Over the last year, we’ve learned that countries and regions that encourage or require masking seem to do better at slowing the spread of COVID-19 than places that don’t, and new evidence suggests that masking may protect both the wearer and the people around them.

    Many readers have recently reached out with questions about masks—which kind of mask should they wear? How do they wear them correctly? Should they be double-masking? And so on. So we asked the masking experts for tips based on the latest research.

    Is It Time to Upgrade Your Mask?

    Early in the pandemic, many of us bought cloth masks to help reduce spread while reserving more effective, medical-grade masks for people at higher risk, like doctors, first responders and so on. But a year in, with increased mask production and a growing number of people vaccinated, is it time for us to upgrade our masks?

    Indeed, experts say the best face coverings are respirator-style masks, like N95s. These masks are approved by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH); the “95” means the mask filters at least 95% of particles out of the air the wearer is breathing in.

    However, there are two main problems with N95 masks.

    First, respirator masks remain in short supply—even some health care facilities are still having trouble getting enough of them. Although supply has increased since the beginning of the pandemic, that’s partly because health care workers are still taking unusual steps to conserve supply, like wearing a single mask all day long or even reusing masks across more than one day.

    Given that, another surge in COVID-19 cases could trigger a respirator shortage, says Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota who was a member of President Joe Biden’s transition COVID-19 Advisory Board. “If we see a surge in cases like might happen with B.1.1.7, we could go through [respirators] very quickly again,” says Osterholm, referring to an especially transmissible variant first identified in the U.K. and which has since been detected in the U.S. “So it is very important that we try to reserve those as much as we can.”

    Second, people who wear respirators are supposed to be fit-tested annually to make sure their mask provides a good seal around their face. Respirators come in different styles and sizes, and whether you fit in a particular model can change over time. Without fit-testing, there’s no way to know for sure that you’re getting anywhere near the advertised protection level.

    However, if you can get your hands on respirator masks and you’re careful about their fit (see below), they can provide a “big upgrade to your current mask setup,” says Linsey Marr, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech. Marr advises that wearers should throw their mask out if they see any damage to the material, or if the straps begin to weaken.

    Other potentially effective medical masks include U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved surgical masks (disposable masks which fit more loosely) and foreign-made respirator masks, including KN95s (from China) and KF94s (from South Korea)—but they also come with a few caveats. Surgical masks are more likely than respirator masks to have gaps big enough to allow air to leak through the side. KN95s and KF94s, meanwhile, can be hit or miss. While they work similarly to N95s, such masks have not been fully approved by NIOSH (although some KN95s manufacturers have received emergency use authorization from the agency). Meanwhile, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that most products that claim to meet European or Chinese standards provide “well below 95%” filtering efficiency. Furthermore, at least some of the N95s, KN95 and KF94 masks on the market are likely counterfeit and provide inadequate protection, and it’s difficult for most buyers to tell a counterfeit mask from a real one, especially when shopping online.

    Sticking With Cloth

    For people who can maintain physical distance from others, cloth masks may still be the best bet for daily use, experts say. “Even a simple cloth mask, if it’s made out of a tightly woven material and fits well, protects others and can protect the wearer,” says Marr.

    However, cloth masks can vary widely in their efficacy. Experts suggested a well-fitting, three-layer mask, with an outer layer that’s tightly woven or even waterproof and with either a built-in filter or a pocket for replaceable filters as the middle layer. A filter made of non-woven polypropylene, a HEPA-grade filter or even a patch of material cut out of a vacuum-cleaner filter are all good options, says Marr. Even a piece of tissue or paper towel can serve as the middle layer, say Amy Price and Dr. Larry Chu, Stanford University professors who helped develop the World Health Organization’s masking guidelines. Finally, the inner layer touching your skin can be made of soft cotton.

    Price and Chu suggest applying static electricity to all of your cloth mask’s layers—the cloth inner and outer, as well as the paper layer or filter—by putting on latex gloves, rubbing your hands together, and then rubbing each later before every time you put it on. This, he says, says can increase the mask’s particle-filtering efficacy, and the effect lasts for several hours. “Research that came out of work that we did with our colleagues at Stanford showed that static electricity can actually really improve the filtering capacity of masks,” says Chu.

    Check the Fit

    Whether you have a respirator mask or a cloth mask, fit is essential, says Dr. Krutika Kuppalli, an assistant professor of medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina. “It should go across the bridge of your nose, it should form a seal across your nose and go under your chin. It should lay flat against your cheeks,” she says.

    You should look for two features in a mask to ensure it can offer the best possible fit: a metal bridge that you can seal around your nose, and fasteners that keep your mask tight around your face and allow you to adjust the fit. If you choose to wear a medical procedure mask (commonly called surgical masks), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that knotting the ear loops where they meet the mask and then flattening the front of the mask can reduce exposure by nearly 96%, assuming two people interacting with one another are both wearing such ‘knotted’ masks.

    And make sure to wear your mask properly, of course.

    “I think the most common kind of poor masking practice I see is the mask…hanging off the nose so that the nose is sticking out,” says Marr. “So there you lose the benefit of the mask almost completely, especially for your own protection, because you’re probably breathing through your nose and there’s nothing covering your nose.”

    Keep It Clean

    After you remove your face mask, you should treat it like a stinky pair of socks, says Lisa Brosseau, a research consultant for the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

    Experts suggest washing or sanitizing your hands after you touch your mask; keeping your mask in a paper or plastic baggie when not in use; and carrying back-up masks with you instead of putting a dirty mask back on your face after you’ve removed it.

    If you have a washable cloth mask, the CDC advises washing it whenever it gets dirty, and “at least” daily. Masks that can’t be washed, like respirators, can be left out in the sun for an hour to be decontaminated, Marr says. However, it’s important to remember that these masks are intended to be disposable; in professional settings, NIOSH recommends that people follow the respirators manufacturer’s recommendations, or wear the mask no more than five times.

    What About Double-Masking?

    For further protection, you may want to consider “double-masking”—putting one mask over the other. Wearing a cloth mask over a medical procedure mask can reduce people’s exposure by as much as 96.4% when two people interacting with one another are both double masked, the CDC found, if both people double-masked. However, getting a good fit is critical when you double mask, as adding multiple layers could create gaps between the masks. Marr suggests layering a cloth mask on top of a surgical mask, but cautions people against going overboard.

    “You have to be careful once you start adding more and more layers because it can be hard to breathe through, and then then you’re going to end up pulling in more air through any gaps around the sides,” Marr says. “So there’s definitely a point of diminishing returns. I wouldn’t really go more than two layered on top of each other.”

    Because double-masking can be uncomfortable, Chu suggests people do it when they’re in a more high-risk situation, like “when they’re in the subway car, when they’re in those closed public spaces, and they don’t know if they’re going to be around somebody who could potentially be carrying the new variants,” he says.

    No Mask Is Perfect

    While masks are an important tool to reduce the spread of COVID-19, they can’t guarantee you total protection. Instead, it’s better to think of them as just one more thing you can do to keep yourself and the people around you safe—in addition to avoiding indoor spaces with poor ventilation, keeping away from crowds and close contact with other people, and trying to stay at home as much as possible.

    “We expect too much of face coverings,” says Brosseau. “We expect that we can go out, and they will protect us and protect the people around us for long periods of time, or when we’re up close and personal with people for long periods of time. And they will do a little bit, but not as much as we think they will.”

  • 新冠疫苗接种活动正在进行,个别死亡病例见诸各大报端。疫苗是否真会致命?审视了6个国家的死亡案例——发现了一个明确的结果。根据目前的调查结果,疫苗与死亡没有因果关系







    这些报道中的案例引起了人们的质疑:难道新冠疫苗并非解决问题的办法,而本身就是一个问题?疫苗是否安全?所有审批前的临床试验和上市后的对照数据都表明:欧盟批准的疫苗非常有效,而且只有很少且大多都不太严重的副作用。尽管如此,德国爱尔福特大学(Uni Erfurt)进行的一项调查显示,只有56%的受访者希望接种疫苗,44%的受访者持怀疑态度。不少人在调查中表示,要观察已经接种疫苗人的反应后再决定是否要接种。关于死亡案例的报道不免让一些人感到不安。

    但是,对疫苗的质疑是否有道理呢?调查了6个国家的报告案例:德国、西班牙、美国、挪威、比利时和秘鲁。结果是:在所有的案例中,公共卫生官员发现,接种疫苗和死亡之间并没有因果关系。 截至发稿,根据彭博社的全球疫苗追踪,全球范围内已经接种了超过1.3亿剂新冠疫苗,平均每天接种约500万剂。在上述6个国家,共施打了约5000万剂疫苗。其中是否有人因为接种疫苗而死亡?针对6个国家的报告进行了事实核查。


    到目前为止,德国还没有发现有人因接种新冠疫苗而死亡的案例。然而,以下这些数字仍旧值得仔细推敲一下:保罗·埃尔利希研究所(Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, 简称PEI)收到了113名年龄在46岁至100岁之间的疫苗接种者的死亡报告(71名女性,38名男性,其中有4例没有说明性别)。PEI是负责疫苗批准和药品安全的联邦机构。PEI在一份报告中说,死者平均年龄为84岁,死亡发生在接种疫苗后1小时至19天之间,该报告研究了1月31日之前的病例。


    PEI写道:”在所有其他人中,部分人患有多种基础疾病(……),这大概是死亡的原因。”然而,PEI要求相关部门提供这些案件的进一步资料。有50个案例的死因不明。 PEI指出,接种疫苗后观察到的死亡人数实际上低于没有疫苗情况下的预期死亡人数。

    PEI负责人克劳斯·齐丘特克(Klaus Cichutek)在1月中旬接受采访时表示:”死亡率并没有增加,所以也可以说这些死亡和疫苗没有关系。”他强调,到目前为止,德国使用的BioNTech/辉瑞和Moderna疫苗显示出”很高的安全性”。

    目前检察院正在调查另一起科隆的包含3名死者的案件。科隆法医部主任马库斯·罗斯柴尔德(Markus Rothschild)强调,这3名老人在接种新冠疫苗后死亡;但这3人之前都患有相当严重的基础疾病。



    这家位于西班牙拉加尔特拉(Lagartera)、名为萨尔瓦多 (El Salvador)的养老院的院长介绍,接种疫苗5天后,养老院的居民出现了”头痛或偶尔腹泻等症状”。他表示,一名医生告诉他,这可能是疫苗的副作用。当地官方表示,所有9人的死亡都归咎于新冠病毒感染引起的并发症,这是疫苗接种活动期间有疫情爆发的结果。因为如果是在新冠病毒的潜伏期(5~6天)内接种疫苗,仍有可能发病。即使在接种疫苗后,也有可能被感染,因为根据罗伯特-科赫传染病研究所(RKI)的说法,疫苗通常在第一次接种后的十到十四天才会生效。俄罗斯和中国的官方媒体都对这家养老院的死亡案例进行了广泛的报道,其中中国方面主要引用了俄罗斯官方媒体的报道。 尽管标题骇人听闻,但俄罗斯官方媒体的原文明确指出:”目前没有证据表明疫苗和死亡有关。”

    文章还引用了一份事实调查报告称 :”从统计学角度而言,有些人在接种疫苗后,出于与身体对疫苗的反应无关的原因而生病或死亡,是不可避免的。” 然而,其他转述这篇文章的报道中却没有提到这一要点。


    这则消息尤其在印度广为流传。这一说法是基于儿童健康保护组织(Children’s Health Defense)的新闻稿,该组织由著名的反疫苗活动家小罗伯特·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr)领导。这名活动家最近因宣传反疫苗而受到关注,他甚至参加了德国的新冠否认者示威活动。

    虽然这篇新闻稿的标题声称这些数据来自”政府数据库”,但实际上它们来自国家疫苗信息中心(NVIC)的网站,这是一个与美国政府毫无关系的非营利组织。著名的科学与健康记者迈克尔·斯佩克(Michael Specter)称该组织为 “美国最强大的反疫苗组织”。

    仔细阅读便不难发现,这些数据的基础是有问题的。国家疫苗信息中心指出,这些数据来自美国政府的疫苗不良事件报告系统(VAERS)。但该系统特别指出:”任何人都可以向VAERS提交报告,包括家长和患者”,”不能仅用VAERS报告来确定疫苗是否导致或引发了不良事件或疾病”。此外,VAERS鼓励疫苗提供者报告重大健康问题,”无论他们是否认为疫苗和问题有关”。此外,VAERS指出,其数据 “不能被用于说明疫苗是否存在相关问题,以及问题的严重性、频率或比例。”,”应结合其它科学信息进行解释”。

    早在2015年,一项评估疫苗相关死亡事件报告的研究就强调,VAERS系统数据存在偏差,因为该系统 “接受任何提交的不良事件报告,却不评估其临床意义以及和疫苗接种的关系”。美国疾病控制与预防中心( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)也警告称,VAERS系统存在报告偏差和数据质量不一致的问题。



    挪威药品管理局Statens Legemiddelverk共调查了33起养老院居民接种疫苗后死亡的报告(截至2021年1月26日),并在调查之后的分析报告中写道:”到目前为止,已经接种疫苗的养老院居民中有很多是非常虚弱或病危的病人。在挪威养老院或其他类似机构里,每天平均有45人死亡。因此,在接种疫苗后不久发生的死亡是可以预期的,但并不意味着与疫苗有因果关系。”


    英国医学会( British Medical Association)杂志的一篇文章在评估这些病例时引用了挪威药品管理局医疗主管斯坦纳·麦德森(Steinar Madsen)的话写道:”这些死亡病例与疫苗之间没有确切的关联。” 不过,麦德森表示:”常见的副作用对于身体较好、较年轻的患者而言并不危险,疫苗有这些常见的副作用也并非不寻常,但这些常见的副作用可能使老年人的基础疾病病情加剧。”他继续指出:”我们对此并不感到惊慌或担忧,因为这些都是非常罕见的事件,它们发生在非常虚弱和病情非常严重的病人身上。”



    比利时联邦药品和健康产品机构向《布鲁塞尔时报》表示:”报告的死亡病例没有共同的临床症状,这一点令人减轻忧虑。同样,这些死亡病例的前后时长各不相同。” 该机构补充说,到目前为止,并没有在死亡和新冠疫苗之间发现明确的因果关系。




    据路透社报道,一名秘鲁志愿者在中国产新冠疫苗的临床试验中感染新冠病毒后死亡,执行试验的卡耶塔诺·埃雷迪亚大学 (Cayetano Heredia University)不得不暂停当地的一项研究。


  • 病毒在突变 还应注射疫苗吗


    在英国,病毒突变成“B1.1.7病毒株”,对过去抵抗力较强而较不易感染的青少年也产生威胁。在非洲,新冠病毒突变成“B 1.351病毒株”的病毒谱系(lineage)。



    目前,世界疫苗呼声最高的是辉瑞药厂的“BNT162b2”疫苗,接着是莫德纳(Moderna)制药公司(原由美国卫生总署NIH研发)的“mRNA-1273”疫苗、牛津/阿斯特捷利康(Oxford- Astra Zeneca)的“AZD1222”疫苗以及俄罗斯的“Sputnik V”(史普尼克V)疫苗。

    它们共通点是都需要打两剂疫苗,第一剂主要提供早期保护,第二剂则是加强保护,前后两剂时间大多需要相隔约2至4星期(注:牛津/阿斯特捷利康(Oxford- Astra Zeneca)疫苗可以间隔4到12星期)。


    关于这个问题,先从人体细胞内的结构讲起。人体细胞内有两种核酸(nucleic acids)的聚合物(polymers):一是脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)简称DNA,存在于细胞核(nucleus)中,二是核糖核酸(Ribonucleic Acid),简称RNA,存在细胞核外的细胞质(cytoplasm)。








    一个社区中如果有超过七成的人接种疫苗,就可得到集体免疫(herd immunity)的效果,阻断病毒的大量扩张。依据目前专家建议,仍是鼓励民众去注射疫苗,这是因为如果越多人及早接种疫苗,病毒就能早日绝迹。



    新型冠状病毒疫苗的作用,主要是针对病毒表面突出的棘状蛋白(spike protein)。疫苗使人体产生抗体(antibody),识别入侵的病毒表面的棘状蛋白,然后联合人体的白血球一起扺抗,并呑噬病毒。





  • 美国疾控中心近日表示,想要达到更好的防护效果,应该戴双层口罩或者是通过打结让医用口罩更好地与面部贴合。不过,也有专家不同意戴双层口罩的建议。





    “我宁愿人们把注意力放在找到一个符合要求的优质口罩上,而不是一层又一层,这会带来不适感,让人呼吸困难……甚至感到沮丧,最后干脆不戴口罩了”,乔治梅森大学的助理教授、传染病学家波佩斯库(Saskia Popescu)说。

    威斯康星大学的工程学教授罗特哈默(David Rothamer)也不赞成戴两个口罩,他在课堂上对人体模型进行了相关实验,表示带两个口罩反而可能导致更多空气从口罩边缘进入。



    据《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国疾控中心的主任瓦伦斯基(Rochelle Walensky)周三还表示,”当人们在公共场所时或者家里来了外人时,都需要戴上口罩”,称这是科学的做法。有研究表明,在实施强制口罩政策后,新冠病毒的感染和死亡病例下降,瓦伦斯基也表示,目前看来口罩还要继续戴下去。

  • What CDC found about wearing 2 masks. A cloth mask worn over a surgical mask improves fit and could boost protection.

    Fit matters when it comes to your mask protecting you against the virus that causes COVID-19, and layering a well-fitting cloth mask over a surgical mask is likely to prove beneficial, according to new findings released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    The findings were not expected to lead to new mask recommendations by the CDC. The public health agency maintains that everyone age 2 and older should wear a face covering when outside their home.

    It also doesn’t change the recommendation that primarily medical workers in high-risk environments should rely on N95 masks, which act as a strong filter against any contaminants but is notably tougher to breathe in and withstand for long periods of time.

    Still, the experiment touches on some of the big questions Americans have on how best to protect themselves when mixing in public, such as grocery stores and airplanes.

    The research suggests that when a person “double masks” — wearing a polypropylene surgical mask with a cloth mask on top — and the people around them did the same, the risk of transmitting the virus falls more than 95%.

    Researchers, who used two mannequin-like forms to test exposure, found a similar benefit with tightening a single surgical mask around the ears to improve its fit. Using a hack known as a “knot and tuck,” the researchers ensured the surgical mask fits closely around the face without gaps.

    The benefit, though, fell to 80% if only one person wore the double mask and 60% if only one person knotted their surgical mask for a tighter fit.

    Dr. John Brooks, chief medical officer for the CDC’s COVID-19 emergency response, said the research results suggest that combining the close fit of a cloth mask with the filtration of a surgical mask is a good option.

    It also makes the case that “community masking” — everyone wearing a mask and not just a few people — matters.

    “Universal masking is one of our most potent interventions to control the pandemic, we believe,” Brooks told ABC News in an interview.

    “When all of us mask, not only does it giving us some personal protection. But by each of us doing that, we’re protecting other people,” he added.

    The CDC has struggled with its public message on masks. Early in the pandemic, health officials urged the public not to wear masks because of concerns about dire shortages for health care workers. They also believed the virus would behave like other respiratory viruses and mostly transmit when a person shows symptoms like a cough and fever.

    But after research showed the virus that causes COVID-19 was spreading at an alarming rate through some people who never had symptoms, the CDC in April 2020 abruptly shifted gears and began recommending the public wear cloth masks. By June 2020, the World Health Organization agreed that people should wear masks especially when social distancing is not possible.

    In recent weeks, the CDC has been pressed on whether it should toughen its recommendation on masks because of new variants of the virus that make it more transmissible. One question was whether the CDC might embrace N95 masks for public use and try to boost production. There are still shortages of N95 masks.

    But agency officials have declined to suggest specifically that Americans wear the tight-fitting N95s because — while highly effective — they are particularly difficult to wear for long periods of time because they are harder to breathe in.

    Also, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has said wearing an N95 mask probably isn’t necessary in public places.

    “I think if everybody is wearing a mask, if you’re wearing it and six feet apart … you have enough protective effectiveness in the barriers of those two masks and the space between you that you probably don’t need it,” Walensky said Jan. 27 during a CNN Town Hall.

    Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert and President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, has said people shouldn’t read too much into the evolving discussion on masks. Scientific experiments are likely to shed new light on what’s most effective, but the recommendation on face coverings remain the same.

    “The discussion is changing, not the goalposts,” Fauci told Fox News on Jan. 27, responding to a question about how many masks a person should wear.

    He later added: “You know what would be a good start? If everybody wears at least one mask. I think that would be important.”

    Brooks cautions that people shouldn’t read too closely into the specific efficacy numbers from the experiment. Researchers didn’t experiment with different types of cloth materials and other combinations might be just as useful. Brooks said other options might be using “mask fitters” and a nylon stocking sleeve.

    But the research demonstrated the principle that when the fit is improved, that improves the overall efficiency of how the mask performs. And if the mask is better at stopping the virus, that in turn can prevent viral mutations that threaten the efficacy of vaccines.

    “We want to communicate to the public that if you want to get more out of that mask, there’s a number of low-tech ways you can improve its performance,” Brooks said.