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  • 2020-12-21,美国辉瑞制药厂(Pfizer)和德国生物科技公司(BioNTech)联合研发的抗Covid-19病毒疫苗需要保持在摄氏零下70度(-70°C),如何保证冷链在运输过程中不出错?法国企业在令人头疼的疫苗冷链领域里的一项科技创新


    为了保证试剂的有效性,部分抗Covid-19病毒的疫苗需要保存在极端低温之中。如何保证冷链在运输过程中不出错? 就此,法国蒙彼利埃(Montpellier)的科技新秀拿出了一项创新发明。在此予以简介。



    位于法国蒙彼利埃的 Koovea公司的主管Yohann.C指出,在把握了这样的冷藏技术后,追踪运输过程中的温度成为了关键。这家新科技公司研发了一种可联网的自主传感器,确保抗Covid-19病毒疫苗冷链的不间断。这名企业负责人在采访中还解释说,让这些小型自主传感器装在冷藏设备里,它们会把温度数据实时传输到一个相应的手机软件上。


  • 2020年12月20日,英国确认发现新冠病毒的新变种,传播速度更快,感染人数已超过1000例。欧洲多国20日已经决定停飞往返英国的航班。为应对新冠病毒新变种,法国决定从在周日(2020年12月20日)午夜起,所有来自英国的人48小时内禁止入境



    法国交通部长让·巴蒂斯特·杰巴里(Jean-Baptiste Djebbari)20日在接受LCI记者采访时表示:法国等待欧盟统一措施中将暂时中止48小时来自英国的航班。欧盟也在考虑再从英国入境其他欧洲国家必须有新冠病毒核酸检测阴性证明。法国政府发言人表示,这将尤其涉及到居住在英国的法国社区,他们中很多人计划回法国度圣诞节。法国交通部长对记者表示:居住在英国,已经购买机票和火车票的法国人,可以改签或退票。法国交通部商议好之后会设法让他们回国与家人和亲朋好友在法国团聚。



  • 2020-12-20,国家卫健委高级别专家组成员、中国疾控中心流行病学前首席科学家曾光2020年12月19日在人民政协报主办的一场主题座谈会上表示,中国的新冠肺炎疫情防控已经取得了阶段性的胜利,中国现在出现疫情频发和多发的情况,疫情第二阶段可能会持续1~2年甚至更长






  • More Koreans dying of COVID-19 without ever receiving care.Still, government won’t consider tougher social distancing restrictions.Dec 20, 2020

    As the third surge of new coronavirus infections packs hospitals, more patients around South Korea are dying without ever having access to medical care.

    Another Seoul resident died waiting for hospital treatment more than a day after being confirmed to have COVID-19, marking the second such known casualty in the capital, public health officials said Sunday.

    They said the man in his 60s died at his home in Guro-gu, southern Seoul, in the early hours of Sunday. He was diagnosed with the virus around noon Friday, and had since been on standby until he was found unconscious by his family.

    Earlier this week, on Tuesday, a 64-year-old man in Dongdaemun-gu, eastern Seoul, was discovered dead by emergency dispatchers after his wife, who was hospitalized with COVID-19, called 119 saying he couldn’t be reached.

    A Dongdaemun-gu official said the deceased patient wasn’t assigned a bed immediately as he was relatively young. Although he had high blood pressure and diabetes, his case was not classified as urgent because he was able to self-medicate.

    His symptoms, which were reported to have been mild initially, appear to have worsened rapidly overnight, the district official said, quoting his wife. She said that the night before he died, he told her over the phone that he was in pain and had blood in his sputum. The doctor who examined him after death said he had died of cardiopulmonary arrest from COVID-19.

    In the days that followed, two residents of a nursing home in Gyeonggi Province — a woman in her 80s and a man in his 60s — died before they could be transferred to a hospital. They were confirmed with the virus Dec. 11 and 14, respectively.

    At the same nursing home, three patients in their 70s and 80s died Dec. 13-16 while waiting for hospital beds to open up.

    The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency’s Dec. 14 situation report, which represents the latest available data, estimates that 13 patients have died at home so far. Thirty died while being transported to emergency services or immediately after arriving.

    Government officials recognize only three of these patients as “having died while waiting for treatment.”

    In Saturday’s news briefing, officials at the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency said they were debating whether these deaths should be understood as the result of care being delayed or absent.

    “Patients who die at a nursing home or psychiatric ward following a COVID-19 diagnosis are not completely bereft of medical attention, for instance,” said Gwack Jin, a senior official who is in charge of patient management. But he failed to explain what kind of COVID-19 treatment the deceased nursing home residents were able to receive, or if the nursing home had the necessary equipment or staff.

    Due to lack of hospital beds, at least 368 people in Seoul and nearby Incheon and Gyeonggi Province had been waiting at home for more than 24 hours after being diagnosed with COVID-19 as of Saturday.

    Minister of Health and Welfare Park Neung-hoo told a news briefing Sunday afternoon that the government would expand hospitals’ bed capacity in the capital area so that “patients would not have to stay unattended for more than a day.” He did not provide the specific timeline for achieving this goal.

    The government over the weekend ordered 40 hospitals to close some of their non-COVID-19 beds and turn them into COVID-19 beds. Experts worry that this move could significantly hinder medical services for people with other health concerns.

    “This means patients who are already hospitalized need to move elsewhere and new patients won’t have a chance to be admitted,” said lung specialist Dr. Park Sung-hoon of Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital in Anyang, Gyeonggi Province.

    Park, who is a member of the Critical Care Society of Korea, said “not a single one” of the medical society’s suggestions for improving critical care capacity has been accommodated since the pandemic began. “But hopefully more changes will come from now on,” he said.

    Meanwhile, the government reiterated Sunday that it was not considering moving to the most restrictive tier of its social distancing system.

    The health minister said “it’s not that convincing of an argument to say that we need more stringent restrictions just because cases have climbed.”

    “Before such restrictions can be implemented, a public consensus has to be reached,” he said.

    But Korea, where cases averaged between 900 and 1,000 per day in the past week, has already met the bar for the top social distancing tier.

    Infectious disease specialist Dr. Kim Woo-joo of Korea University Medical Center said Korea may have to pay for the delayed response with lives. “If we think about the extent to which the hospitals are being pushed, and the timely treatment that the patients are being denied, harsher measures seem necessary,” he said.

    Korea’s daily new infection count on Sunday marked yet another high of 1,097 cases — 1,072 locally transmitted and 25 imported. The cumulative number of official cases is 49,665. Fifteen more people died, putting the death toll at 674. Currently there are 14,269 patients who have been placed in isolation, of whom 278 were severely or critically ill.

  • 20/12/2020,德国一间工厂已经忙着生产一支支塑胶注射筒,也有信心能应付全球所需。2019冠状病毒疾病(COVID-19)之战不仅造就出创纪录的疫苗研发速度,施打疫苗所需的注射筒(针筒)需求量也飙升数十亿支






    而注射针(针头)则是由Almo母公司、德国医疗和制药设备品牌柏朗公司(B. Braun)的马来西亚子公司制作。



    柏朗:「我们明年可以生产2.7亿支1mL 注射筒;若有必要,2022年起可生产额外2亿支。」