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  • 29 Dec 2020. Don’t be Too Quick to Judge Sweden’s Covid-19 Policy. The Nordic country has taken an approach all its own, but it’s too soon to tell whether it’s right or wrong

    In 2008, I concluded that the next major pandemic would arrive before 2021. The very year after this forecast saw a minor event—involving the H1N1 influenza virus—but the 2019 pandemic obviously qualifies as a major global outbreak.

    This was no remarkable feat of forecasting, just a simple recognition that pandemics reappear rather frequently. A regrettable corollary is that we remain repeatedly unprepared for their spread and that we mismanage our responses on truly grand scales. But this does not prevent people from making simplistic judgments.

    Sweden’s response to the COVID-19 virus is a perfect example of this habit. The response has not been decided by politicians, it has not involved major adjustments, and all key decisions have been left to the state epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, who has relied on appealing to his compatriots to behave responsibly.

    Even in Sweden, his approach has not remained unchallenged, but abroad it has elicited two remarkably divergent criticisms. Some say, “They did not resort to any panicky lockdowns, and they are none the worse for it,” while others say, “They did not lock down anything, and the consequences have been catastrophic.” Neither statement is true, but even an interim appraisal, made in November 2020, shows an outcome that is as singular as it is a part of a larger piece.

    To begin with, Sweden shut down high schools and universities, but not grade schools and kindergartens; it restricted very large gatherings, allowed restaurants, shops, and services to remain open, while leaving to the individual the responsibility of limiting smaller gatherings. The early consequence of these decisions seemed severe: Excess mortality began to rise steeply in late March, and in April it reached levels far higher than in any of the country’s immediate Nordic neighbors. But by midsummer, cumulative mortalities divided by the size of the population were considerably lower in Sweden than in several populous European nations. By the middle of November, cumulative death rates were twice as high in Belgium, 45 percent higher in Spain, 25 percent higher in the United States, United Kingdom, and Italy (the country with extensive restrictive lockdowns) and 12 percent higher in France. On the other hand, the mortality rate in Finland and ­Norway was only about 10 percent that of Sweden, and Denmark’s rate was about 80 percent lower.

    There is no doubt that Sweden’s numbers were inflated, in part, by the relatively high share in its population of the foreign born (who are more vulnerable to infection)—a quarter of the people are immigrants, and nearly a third have at least one parent born abroad. Similarly, comparisons of excess all-cause mortality (a rate that is better able to capture the actual death toll attributable to the pandemic) show that in October 2020 the Swedish rate was marginally lower than in France, 30 percent lower than in the United States, only half as high as in Spain—but 2.5 times higher than in Finland and five times higher than in Germany.

    EuroMOMO, which monitors mortality, shows Swedish deaths rising substantially above normal from the 13th to the 21st week of 2020, returning within normal range by the 27th week, and steadily declining afterward to below the normally expected rate by the 40th week of 2020. By the 45th week, Swedish mortality remained well below the expected level and even below the Norwegian rate.

    Meanwhile France, Italy, Spain and Belgium had, once again, high excess mortalities, and only the Finnish mortality was well below the Swedish rate. The final verdict about Sweden’s relative success or indefensible failure is still many months in coming.

    Obviously, you can use these comparisons to portray Sweden as either a success (vis-à-vis Spain, the U.K., or the United States) or a failure (vis-à-vis Germany or Finland). But we will have to wait until the second wave of the pandemic has fully asserted itself to see how such comparisons will fare.

  • 2020年12月29日 小部分新冠患者出现严重精神疾病症状


    希萨姆·古利(Hisam Goueli)博士几乎立刻就意识到,今年夏天来到他在长岛的精神病院的那名病人不同寻常。
    该病人是一名42岁的理疗师,是四个孩子的母亲,从未有过精神症状或任何精神疾病家族史。然而,在纽约阿米蒂维尔的南橡树医院(South Oaks Hospital)一间米色墙壁的房间里,她坐在一张桌子旁,哭着说她不断看到自己两到十岁的孩子被残忍杀害,而她自己策划了杀死他们的计划。
    “就好像她在亲历《杀死比尔》(Kill Bill)一样的电影,”古利博士说,他是一名精神科医生。


    “我猜任何有新冠疫情的地方都可能有这种情况,”达勒姆杜克大学医学中心(Duke University Medical Center)帮助治疗那名北卡州女性的科林·史密斯(Colin Smith)博士说。他和其他医生都表示,他们的患者神经太过脆弱,不能问他们是否愿为本文接受采访,但包括那名北卡州女性在内的一些患者同意在科学论文中描述他们的病情。
    “一些对免疫激活做出反应的神经毒素可以通过血脑屏障进入大脑,导致这种损伤,”布朗克斯区蒙特菲尔·爱因斯坦医院精神病学研究所(Psychiatry Research Institute at Montefiore Einstein)的联席主任维尔玛·加贝(Vilma Gabbay)博士说。

    巴尔的摩约翰斯·霍普金斯大学医学院(Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)的神经病毒学专家罗伯特·尤肯(Robert Yolken)博士说,尽管人们的身体可能从新冠中恢复,但某些情况下,他们的免疫系统可能无法关闭,或可能因为“少量病毒被延迟清除”而继续工作。
    持续的免疫激活也是困扰许多新冠痊愈者的脑雾与记忆问题的主要解释,约翰斯·霍普金斯大学精神分裂症专家艾米丽·斯维伦斯(Emily Severance)表示,新冠痊愈后的认知和精神问题可能是由“大脑中发生的类似情况”造成的。
    专家们不知道是基因构成还是未被发现的精神疾病倾向使得一些人面临更大风险。杜克大学精神急诊科医疗主任布莱恩·金凯德(Brian Kincaid)博士说,北卡罗来纳州这名女性曾对另一种病毒有过皮肤反应,这可能表明她的免疫系统对病毒感染反应活跃。

    “我们认为这并非新冠所独有,”阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医学院(Albert Einstein College of Medicine)的精神病学与行为科学主席乔纳森·阿尔伯特(Jonathan Alpert)博士说,他参与撰写了关于蒙特菲奥雷医疗中心(Montefiore)患者的报告。他说,研究这些病例可能有助于增加医生对精神疾病的了解。

  • 2020年12月30日 回顾2020年欧洲应付新冠病毒







    英国女王伊丽莎白二世说:“日子会好转的: 我们会和我们的朋友重聚,我们会和我们的家人重聚,我们将会重聚。”




    不过,在残酷的一年结束之际,科学提供了希望。有三种疫苗的早期试验,报告的成功率高达百分之95, 英国成为第一个批准并推广大规模接种辉瑞-BioNTech疫苗的西方国家,预期欧洲也会跟进。


  • 2020年12月28日,东南亚各国新冠肺炎疫情形势依然严峻




    当天,印度尼西亚外交部长蕾特诺·马尔苏迪(Retno Marsudi)表示,从2021年1月1日起,该国将禁止外国游客入境,实施时间为两周。据报道,蕾特诺表示,此举是为了防止变异新冠病毒在印尼传播。蕾特诺同时指出,新规将适用于所有外国游客,不过不包含外国政府高级官员。





  • 29 Dec, 2020 . Spain to keep list of people who refuse Covid-19 vaccination & share data with ‘European partners’— health minister

    Spain’s health minister said authorities will keep a list of people who decline to get vaccinated and share it with other European countries. The data will be protected and not publicly available, he said.
    “We will have a registry… of people who have been offered [the vaccine] and have simply rejected it,” Salvador Illa told La Sexta TV channel, adding that the list will be shared with “European partners.”

    It is not a document that will be made public and it will be done with the utmost respect for data protection.

    Illa explained that the list would help to avoid confusion over why some people had not been vaccinated.

    Spain officially launched its immunization campaign on Sunday using the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

    Illa said the shots will be administered in accordance with “priorities” laid out by the country’s vaccination plan. “Citizens will be summoned when their turn comes, and what we are asking is – when you are summoned, go to the appointment,” the minister stated, stressing that getting a shot is strictly “voluntary, not mandatory.”

    The EFE news agency reported on Tuesday that more than 350,000 doses of the vaccine were delivered to the nation’s major cities, from where they will be distributed across the country.

    Mass vaccinations began across the EU over the weekend, shortly after the bloc’s drug regulator approved the Pfizer vaccine and weeks after nationwide vaccinations started in the UK.

    “First we protect the more vulnerable. Soon we’ll have enough doses for all of us,” European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said on Sunday.