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  • 2021年1月6日 印度本土疫苗的疑虑


    非政府组织全印度药品行动网络(All India Drug Action Network)表示,批准一种尚未完成研究的疫苗,让他们无法理解其科学逻辑。

    巴拉特董事长埃拉(Krishna Ella)称:“我们的疫苗是200%安全的。”



    但有科学家表示怀疑。“由于没有第三阶段试验数据,我们不知道这种疫苗的效力。通过第二阶段的有限试验,我们知道它是安全的,但如果我们推出了一种有效率未知的疫苗,后来发现有效率只有50%,那会如何?这对接种的人来说公平吗?”著名病毒学家贾米尔(Shahid Jameel)表示。


    印度反对派政客、国会议员塔鲁尔(Shashi Tharoor)认为,匆忙批准疫苗使用“让人难以理解”。


  • 2021年1月6日 印度国产新冠病毒疫苗是否出口?



    印度卫生部秘书布珊(Rajesh Bhushan)说,印度计划在本月中推出新冠病毒疫苗。

    印度血清研究所在印度生产牛津/阿斯利康疫苗,其首席执行官普纳瓦拉(Adar Poonawalla)此前曾对媒体表示,印度在“数月内”不会允许出口疫苗。他对美联社称,他的公司被禁止出口疫苗,也被禁止在私人市场销售疫苗。





  • 2021年1月6日 冠病病例激增,疫苗接种却进展缓慢,究竟如何才能在最短时间内为最多人接种?这是不少国家在面对疫苗供应不足之际的难题。一些国家也因此采用“另类”的接种方式












  • 2021年1月6日 至今已有50多个国家展开了疫苗接种工作








  • 6 Jan, 2021 India’s emergency-use approval for the British-Swedish AstraZeneca vaccine and the country’s locally developed jab, Covaxin, was lacking in transparency and used “vague” wording

    India’s emergency-use approval for the British-Swedish AstraZeneca vaccine and the country’s locally developed jab, Covaxin, was lacking in transparency and used “vague” wording, several healthcare experts told.
    The Indian regulator greenlighted the “restricted” emergency use of two inoculations on Sunday: Covaxin, developed by the Hyderabad-based firm Bharat Biotech, and the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine, manufactured locally by the Serum Institute of India and promoted under the name Covishield. India’s chief drug control officer V.G. Somani insisted both jabs are “110 percent safe” and produced only mild symptoms that are common to all vaccines.

    A health watchdog group, the All India Drug Action Network (AIDAN), has protested the move, calling on the government to provide a “detailed rationale” for the decision and additional data on the shot’s safety and efficacy.

    “In respect to the Covaxin, the primary concern is the lack of efficacy detail, because the Phase III trial is still ongoing in India,” AIDAN’s co-convener Malini Aisola told, adding that it was “too early for any interim analysis to have taken place.”

    So far, information about Covaxin – based on tests carried out on humans – is derived from just 755 participants in the Phase I and Phase II trials, which looked into safety and immunogenicity, she said.

    AIDAN’s skepticism was also shared by Anant Bhan, the former president of the International Association of Bioethics, who said the approval lacked transparency and that the government has used “not very clear” language in public discussion of the jab.

    The concerns are not so much with regards to the vaccine being unsafe or not efficacious, but rather the process not being clear and transparent like one would like, especially in the times of a pandemic when everything is being expedited.

    “Hopefully, we will see the regulator providing more context and details,” Bhan told. “While everyone is keen on having a vaccine, it’s also important to ensure there is a fair level of public confidence in the decisions [on how] the vaccines are being used.”

    While a government expert panel previously recommended approval for Covaxin “in clinical trial mode,” Aisola said she had doubts whether that rule would be upheld in practice, given that an association of private clinics in Brazil is already in talks to obtain the Indian-made vaccine. The recent statements made by its developer also raised further suspicion, she said.

    On Monday, Bharat Biotech and the Serum Institute of India released a joint statement saying they are determined to “ensure the smooth roll-out of vaccines,” and that immunizations have the power to “save lives and accelerate the return to economic normalcy at the earliest.”

    Aisola voiced some concern over the AstraZeneca jab, too: “Not all of the data from the Indian bridging study was submitted to the regulator, especially in relation to immunogenicity detail, which, again, we feel, defeats the purpose of a local study.”

    The efficacy details were taken from the trials of AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine abroad, in the UK and Brazil. We don’t have any clarity about what details were considered, and what efficacy estimates were considered in granting the Indian approval.

    Notably, India has approved the use of two full doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which has shown only 62 percent efficacy in trials and is believed inferior to a protocol involving a half-dose followed by a full one. But because only the former regimen had been studied locally in India, the regulator apparently stuck with what it knew, Aisola observed.

    “The efficacy would vary [depending] on the dosing regimen, the interval between doses, and other factors,” she added.

    According to UK trial results published in the The Lancet medical journal last month, while the AstraZeneca vaccine was 62 percent effective after two full shots, the half-dose/full dose protocol showed 90 percent efficacy. The Serum Institute of India has apparently applied for a two-full-dose scheme.

    Aman Gupta, the co-founder of the New Delhi-based healthcare communications firm SPAG, told the vaccines’ approval was “baffling” and had left many questions “unanswered.” He suggested the “rushed” decision may have been prompted by a desire to “build some optimism among the population” and to bring positive news with the New Year.

    “If we look at the data available, we will see that AstraZeneca vaccine has a 62 percent efficacy rate, and for the Bharat serum we do not have any necessary efficacy rate at all,” he said.