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  • Jan 19, 2021 PM urges public to maintain vigilance amid drop in virus infections

    Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun on Tuesday called for the public to adhere to strict social distancing rules despite a downward trend in the number of new daily coronavirus cases nationwide.

    “We seem to have recovered a small level of normalcy of our daily lives, but COVID-19 still continues to threaten us from unseeable places,” Chung said during an interagency meeting on the COVID-19 response held at the government complex in Seoul. The current third wave of COVID-19 here reached its peak on Dec. 25, with the daily tally reaching 1,240, but has been showing signs of a slowdown since.

    The daily figure stayed in the 500s over the past week before it dropped to a nearly two-month low of 389 on Monday. The nation reported 386 new cases on Tuesday.

    Amid signs of a letup in new virus cases, health authorities decided to ease tough restrictions on previously shuttered or scaled back businesses that have suffered revenue losses.

    Chung highlighted that while the number of cluster outbreaks has dropped during the past week, the number of transmissions from personal contacts with infected patients, within families, personal gatherings and workplaces, has surged 45 percent.

    “The infection figure could soar again any time when such transmissions within our daily lives increase. If the situation gets worse before the Lunar New Year holiday, we may end up finding ourselves again on the defense,” Chung said.

    The prime minister reiterated the importance of adhering to “air tight” antivirus measures and avoiding contact and seeking immediate medical help when suspicious symptoms are discovered.

  • Jan 19, 2021 South Korea’s agricultural ministry said Monday it has completed destroying 18.8 million poultry to prevent the spread of highly pathogenic bird flu among local farms, with the number set to further rise down the road on the piling up of new cases.

    Jan 19, 2021 South Korea’s agricultural ministry said Monday it has completed destroying 18.8 million poultry to prevent the spread of highly pathogenic bird flu among local farms, with the number set to further rise down the road on the piling up of new cases.

    The country has confirmed 66 cases of the malign H5N8 strain of avian influenza since late November, including the latest case from a duck farm in Gimje, about 260 kilometers southwest of Seoul, the previous day, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

    Authorities are required to cull all poultry within a 3-kilometer radius of infected farms.

    Later in the day, the ministry said another suspected case was reported from an egg farm in Eumseong, North Chungcheong Province. The farm was raising 400,000 chickens.

    Gyeonngi Province surrounding the capital city accounted for 17 cases, and North Jeolla Province took up 14 infections.

    Amid growing concerns over virus transmission from migratory birds to poultry, the country has so far confirmed 74 cases of highly pathogenic bird flu from wild bird habitats. Some 20 suspected cases are also under investigation.

    With millions of birds being culled, the local price of eggs and chicken products also rose sharply.

    The local price of fresh eggs increased 25.9 percent over the past week from a year earlier, while that of chicken shot up 10.6 percent, according to the latest data provided by the ministry on Monday.

  • Selasa, 19 Januari 2021 Hampir 300.000 orang telah menerima vaksin COVID-19 di Arab Saudi, kata kementerian kesehatan pada hari Minggu.

    “Vaksin adalah kunci dan senjata ampuh yang akan membuat kita sehat,” kata juru bicara kementerian Dr. Mohammed Al-Abd Al-Aly.

    Dia mengatakan warga dan penduduk yang memiliki nomor identitas nasional atau nomor kependudukan yang valid berhak untuk menerima vaksin melalui aplikasi “Sehaty”.

    Al-Abd Al-Aly juga mengatakan bahwa sejauh ini tidak ada efek samping dari vaksin yang terdeteksi. “Indikator pencatatan kasus yang dikonfirmasi, pemulihan dan kasus kritis di Kerajaan bergerak menuju kepositifan dan penurunan,” katanya kepada wartawan.

    Arab Saudi memulai kampanye inokulasi pada 17 Desember dan merupakan negara Arab pertama yang menggunakan vaksin Pfizer-BioNTech.

    Arab Saudi mengkonfirmasi 176 kasus baru pada hari Minggu, meningkatkan total menjadi 364.929 kasus, di mana 1.919 kasus aktif masih menerima perawatan medis, dan 319 kasus kritis.

    Kerajaan juga mengonfirmasi lima kematian terkait virus dalam 24 jam sebelumnya dan 146 orang telah pulih.

    Al-Abd Al-Aly menambahkan bahwa pusat dan fasilitas yang berafiliasi dengan Kementerian Kesehatan terus memberikan layanan kesehatan, termasuk melakukan tes dan pemeriksaan, di seluruh Kerajaan.

  • 2021年01月18日 挪威卫生机构对美德合作的辉瑞/BioNTech疫苗在有严重前期病史的老年人身上的安全性愈加感到担忧。截至1月16日,挪威接种辉瑞/BioNTech疫苗后死亡的人数为29人,死亡者年龄均在75岁以上。





  • 2021年1月18日 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞周一(1月18日)说,全球在分发冠病疫苗方面处于“灾难性道德失败”的边缘,敦促各国和制造商在全球各地更公平地分享疫苗。




