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  • 2021-1-29 葡萄牙的冠病疫情严重,医疗系统濒临崩溃。国会28日批准延长封城至下月中,并于29日起封锁接壤西班牙的边境两周








  • 30 Jan, 2021 MIT’s Rudolf Jaenisch found that the coronavirus may be able to insert its genes into human DNA, but says there is no evidence that mRNA vaccines do the same.He says the findings should not be used to support anti-vax arguments and says that even if they are found to affect human genes it would be a good thing

    A leading biologist whose team recently discovered that the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 may be able to insert its genes into human DNA has said there is no cause for alarm over vaccines that mimic the process of infection.
    The discovery by Professor Rudolf Jaenisch and researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stirs up a hornet’s nest because mRNA vaccines, including those made by Pfizer/ BioNTech and Moderna, operate in similar ways to the virus to trigger an immune response.
    But he said there is “absolutely no evidence” that these vaccines would alter human DNA.
    Jaenisch, a pioneer in the field of transgenics, added that if they are found to do so it may actually be a good thing, saying: “One could speculate that such an integration, if indeed happening, might result in more long-term expression of the antigen [a substance that causes the immune system to create antibodies] and thus be beneficial.”

    Though some researchers said the finding was unexpected and could fundamentally change our understanding of the virus, Jaenisch said it should not be used as an argument against vaccination.
    The mRNA vaccines only use parts of the virus’ genes known as messenger RNA, not the whole sequence. Because these gene segments do not include components that are important for viral functions, adverse effects such as triggering unwanted mutations should be minimal.
    Jaenisch however admitted that “at this point we just do not have much information” on certain questions concerning the safety of mRNA vaccines, such as whether more research should be conducted before the mass vaccination of entire nations.

    Jaenisch’s caution reflects a dilemma in the research community when using new technology to battle a new virus. Before the pandemic, and despite decades of efforts, no mRNA vaccines had completed clinical trials but now the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines have completed the process.
    The current large-scale vaccination programmes in many countries have so far only received authorisation for emergency use.
    The risk that an mRNA vaccine will change human DNA and cause unexpected diseases is small compared with the catastrophic damage caused by the ongoing pandemic, but there are concerns in the health care community about the technology’s safety and potential side effects, especially in the long run.
    In a survey of nearly 1,000 health workers (mostly doctors) in Hong Kong last week, only 22 per cent said they would use the Pfizer/BioNTech jab, with the majority preferring vaccines made using more traditional methods.
    The MIT study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, received enormous attention in the global research community.
    Nobel Prize winner David Baltimore told Science magazine the results were “impressive”. The coronavirus was thought to be harmless to human DNA, because its genes were unable to enter the cell nucleus, where the DNA was kept.
    Some researchers have asked Jaenisch to retract the paper because it could affect people’s confidence in the new vaccines.
    “This preprint has already attracted the attention of the anti-vaccine crowd,” said a commentator on biorxiv.org, where the study was posted.

    Some questioned the validity of their findings. The discovery was made in a Petri dish, and what really happens in the human body could be quite different, according to some critics.
    The mRNA vaccines are by far the most powerful and effective weapon against the coronavirus, promising an efficacy rate of more than 90 per cent.
    The vaccines can deliver viral genes into many kinds of human cells and turn them into a factory producing the virus’s spike protein. Our immune system then remembers these unique proteins and stages a swift, precise response when it encounters the real virus.
    But if the viral genes carried by the mRNA vaccine could get into the nucleus through the previously unknown mechanism described by the new study, there is a chance that it could alter our DNA and cause unexpected mutations.

  • 2021年1月30日 巴西研究人员发现那两名同时感染两变种冠病病毒的患者均为30多岁,症状轻微,不需要住院治疗,但这两起个案凸显了可能有多个变种病毒正在巴西传播。科学家更担忧两个变种病毒共存可能加速病毒突变。







  • 2021-1-28 美国诺瓦瓦克斯医药公司(Novavax)1月28日表示,在英国进行关键第3阶段临床试验中,这款需打两剂的疫苗对原始冠状病毒的效力为95.6%,但对南非变种病毒效力减半。

    据法新社发自华盛顿的报道,诺瓦瓦克斯疫苗在英国的试验涵盖1万5000名18岁至84 岁的受试者,其中27%的受试者,年龄超过65岁。



    诺瓦瓦克斯新病毒NVX-CoV2373疫苗是美国政府疫苗研发计划“快速行动”(Operation Warp Speed)的6支候选疫苗之一,获得17.5亿美元的经费资助,同时也在美国和墨西哥进行临床试验。


  • 2021-1-29 新冠感染者的嗅觉倒错




    几乎所有人都是因为新冠病毒导致嗅觉丧失,最后都引发了嗅觉倒错。“对不同气味的常见描述包括:死亡、腐烂、腐烂的肉、粪便,”AbScent创始人凯利(Chrissi Kelly)说。






    英国雷丁大学科学家帕克(Jane Parker)和AbScent脸书群组的一些人合作发现,肉、洋葱、大蒜和巧克力,以及咖啡、蔬菜、水果、自来水和葡萄酒通常会引起不良反应。




    全球化学感官研究协会英国负责人史密斯(Barry Smith)教授说,另一个惊人发现是,对于一些人来说,尿布和卫生巾的气味变得令人愉悦,“就如同,人类排泄物闻起来像食物,而食物现在闻起来像人类排泄物。”





