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  • With the rollout of vaccines to the masses in the UK, Google has introduced a new feature for its Search. People in the area will now be able to look for authorised information on Covid-19 vaccines through the new Google Search feature in the form of information panels

    Google will show a list of authorised locations when asked for, where people can get themselves vaccinated
    Along with this, Google Search will also provide information on each individual vaccine candidate through information panels within the search results
    The company confirmed that the feature will be rolled out to other areas as vaccines are approved for the masses
    “As other health authorities begin authorising vaccines, we’ll introduce this new feature in more countries,” Google said in a statement.

    With the rollout of vaccines to the masses in the UK, Google has introduced a new feature for its Search.

    People in the area will now be able to look for authorised information on Covid-19 vaccines through the new Google Search feature in the form of information panels.

    With the latest addition to the information showcased through the Search results, Google will show a list of authorised locations when asked for, where people can get themselves vaccinated. Along with this, Google Search will also provide information on each individual vaccine candidate through information panels within the search results.

    The new feature will be an extension to the information that Google already provides on Covid-19 since March this year. The company said that the Covid-19 information panels on YouTube have been viewed 400 billion times since their launch, thus making them an important source of information for viewers.

  • 采用高效改变基因的基因编辑技术而开发的番茄预计成为日本国内获批的首款“基因编辑食品”

    采用高效改变基因的基因编辑技术而开发的番茄预计成为日本国内获批的首款“基因编辑食品”。日本厚生劳动省12月11日召开专家会议,针对筑波大学及源自该大学的初创企业Sanatech Seed的基因编辑番茄,认为安全性没有问题。该公司同一天向日本厚生劳动省提交了销售和流通的申请。





  • 小児科医が語るHPVワクチン「副反応」の実態とその対応





    一方で、「副反応が気になる」という声があるのも確か。 「体調が悪くなったら…」と、保護者が不安に思うのは自然なことだ。今後、HPVワクチン接種が広く行われるためには、予防接種の意味や副反応について正しい情報を得ながら、このハードルを超えていく必要があるように思う。  




    「そもそも予防接種は、子どもたちが嫌がって大暴れしたり、泣いたり、痛みを訴えたり、いろいろなことが起こるものです。痛いけど、必要な注射だよ。痛みを減らせるように、先生も精一杯頑張るから。涙が出そうだったら、横になっていていいよと。まずは子どもたちの不安を取り除くように接します。そして、終わったらどうだった? よく頑張ったね~と、大げさにでも褒めてあげます」  



    日本は定期接種が遅れがち? そして副反応とは?



     例えばインフルエンザワクチンは、かつて子どもたち全員が公費で打てた定期接種でしたが、今は任意接種となりました。おたふく風邪も、副反応が問題となり自己負担で受ける任意接種に。それが、子宮頸がんの予防ワクチンはすんなり定期接種となった。準備は十分だろうか? と。







     「そもそも思春期に多いのですが、病気や怪我などの明らかな原因は見つからないのに、体が痛い、ご飯が食べられない、友達と話せなくなってしまうなどの症状は、よく見られる症状です。しかも訴えの7割は女の子。ワクチンを打った子にも、打たない子にも、同じように見られます。このことは、HPVワクチンと接種後に現れたさまざまな症状の因果関係解明のために行われた調査『名古屋スタディ』(名古屋市の女子7万人を対象としてアンケート調査を行い、約3万人のデータを解析【子宮頸がん予防接種調査回答集計結果 平成28年6月名古屋市】)でもレポートされ、結論が出ています。













     そして、親御さんも、子どもたちの気持ちに共感してあげてほしいと思います。痛くなかった? 部活で右腕を使うなら、左手に打ってもらおうか? 困っていることがあったら、次回先生に頼んであげるからね、など。親御さんからサポートしてあげてください。そしてこちらの不安を伝えたら、きちんと応じてくれる医師にかかりたいですね。接種後に何かあった場合には、接種した病院に相談してください」








  • 人乳头状瘤病毒和宫颈癌


    • 人乳头瘤病毒是世界范围内一组极为常见的病毒。
    • 人乳头瘤病毒有100多种类型,其中至少有14种可引起癌症(又称高风险类型)。
    • 人乳头瘤病毒主要通过性接触传播,大多数人都会在性活动开始后不久感染人乳头瘤病毒。
    • 宫颈癌由通过性行为感染的某些特定类型的人乳头瘤病毒引起。
    • 两种类型的人乳头瘤病毒(16型和18型)引起70%的宫颈癌和宫颈癌前病变。
    • 也有证据表明,人乳头瘤病毒与肛门癌、外阴癌、阴道癌、阴茎癌和口咽癌有关。
    • 宫颈癌是生活在较不发达地区的妇女的第二常见癌症,估计2018年有57万例新发病例(1)(占全球新发病例的84%)。
    • 宫颈癌综合控制包括一级预防(人乳头瘤病毒疫苗接种)、二级预防(筛查和治疗癌前病变)、三级预防(诊断和治疗浸润性宫颈癌)和姑息治疗。
    • 世卫组织推荐使用对16型和18型人乳头瘤病毒有保护作用的疫苗,这些疫苗已在许多国家获准使用。
    • 对30岁及以上女性的癌前病变进行筛查和治疗,是预防宫颈癌的一种符合成本效益的方法。
    • 如果得到早期诊断,宫颈癌可以治愈。












    • 人乳头瘤病毒类型——其致癌性或致癌力;
    • 免疫状态——艾滋病毒感染者等免疫功能低下的人员,更有可能持续感染人乳头瘤病毒并更快发展到癌症前期和癌症;
    • 合并感染其他性传播病原体,如导致单纯疱疹、衣原体和淋病的病原体;
    • 产次(出生婴儿数)和初生年龄;
    • 吸烟。








    女孩和男孩,视情况而定与烟草使用有关的健康信息和警告与年龄和文化相符合的性教育推广安全套并向有性活动者提供安全套男性包皮环切术“筛查和治疗”: “一站式”方法



    • 安全性行为教育,包括延迟开始性活动;
    • 向已经有性活动者推广及提供安全套;
    • 就烟草使用发出警告。烟草使用通常始于青春期,也是宫颈癌和其他癌症的重要危险因素;
    • 男性包皮环切。
















    • 人乳头瘤病毒检测,以发现高危类型的人乳头瘤病毒。
    • 用乙酸进行目视检查(VIA)。
    • 常规(Pap涂片)检查和液基细胞学(LBC)。





    • 育龄妇女在月经间期出现不规则点滴出血或轻微出血;
    • 绝经后点滴出血或出血;
    • 性交后出血;
    • 阴道分泌物增多,有时带有恶臭。


    • 持续性背部、腿部和/或骨盆疼痛;
    • 体重减轻、疲劳、食欲不振;
    • 分泌物有恶臭和阴道不适;
    • 单腿肿胀或双侧下肢肿胀。






  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer

    Key facts

    • Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of viruses that are extremely common worldwide.
    • There are more than 100 types of HPV, of which at least 14 are cancer-causing (also known as high risk type).
    • HPV is mainly transmitted through sexual contact and most people are infected with HPV shortly after the onset of sexual activity.
    • Cervical cancer is caused by sexually acquired infection with certain types of HPV.
    • Two HPV types (16 and 18) cause 70% of cervical cancers and pre-cancerous cervical lesions.
    • There is also evidence linking HPV with cancers of the anus, vulva, vagina, penis and oropharynx.
    • Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women globally, with an estimated 570,000 new cases in 2018. Nearly 90% of the 311,000 deaths worldwide in 2018 occurred in LMICs (1).
    • Comprehensive cervical cancer control includes primary prevention (vaccination against HPV), secondary prevention (screening and treatment of pre-cancerous lesions), tertiary prevention (diagnosis and treatment of invasive cervical cancer) and palliative care.
    • Vaccines that protect against HPV 16 and 18 are recommended by WHO and have been approved for use in many countries.
    • Clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance have shown that HPV vaccines are safe and effective in preventing infections with HPV infections.
    • Screening and treatment of pre-cancer lesions in women is a cost-effective way to prevent cervical cancer.
    • Cervical cancer can be cured if diagnosed at an early stage and treated promptly.

    What is HPV?

    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common viral infection of the reproductive tract. Most sexually active women and men will be infected at some point in their lives and some may be repeatedly infected.

    The peak time for acquiring infection for both women and men is shortly after becoming sexually active. HPV is sexually transmitted, but penetrative sex is not required for transmission. Skin-to-skin genital contact is a well-recognized mode of transmission.

    There are many types of HPV, and many do not cause problems. HPV infections usually clear up without any intervention within a few months after acquisition, and about 90% clear within 2 years. A small proportion of infections with certain types of HPV can persist and progress to cervical cancer.

    Cervical cancer is by far the most common HPV-related disease. Nearly all cases of cervical cancer can be attributable to HPV infection.

    The infection with certain HPV types also causes a proportion of  cancers of the anus, vulva, vagina, penis and oropharynx, which are preventable using similar primary prevention strategies as those for cervical cancer.

    Non-cancer causing types of HPV (especially types 6 and 11) can cause genital warts and respiratory papillomatosis (a disease in which tumours grow in the air passages leading from the nose and mouth into the lungs). Although these conditions very rarely result in death, they may cause significant occurrence of disease. Genital warts are very common, highly infectious and affect sexual life.

    How HPV infection leads to cervical cancer

    Although most HPV infections clear up on their own and most pre-cancerous lesions resolve spontaneously, there is a risk for all women that HPV infection may become chronic and pre-cancerous lesions progress to invasive cervical cancer.

    It takes 15 to 20 years for cervical cancer to develop in women with normal immune systems. It can take only 5 to 10 years in women with weakened immune systems, such as those with untreated HIV infection.

    Risk factors for HPV persistence and development of cervical cancer

    • HPV type – its oncogenicity or cancer-causing strength;
    • immune status – people who are immunocompromised, such as those living with HIV, are more likely to have persistent HPV infections and a more rapid progression to pre-cancer and cancer;
    • coinfection with other sexually transmitted agents, such as those that cause herpes simplex, chlamydia and gonorrhoea;
    • parity (number of babies born) and young age at first birth;
    • tobacco smoking 

    Global burden of cervical cancer

    Worldwide, cervical cancer is the fourth most frequent cancer in women with an estimated 570 000 new cases in 2018 representing 7.5% of all female cancer deaths. Of the estimated more than 311 000 deaths from cervical cancer every year, more than 85% of these occur in low and middle income countries. Women living with HIV are six times more likely to get cervical cancer compared to women without HIV, and an estimated 5% of all cervical cancer cases are attributable to HIV (2).

    In high income countries, programmes are in place which enable girls to be vaccinated against HPV and women to get screened regularly. Screening allows pre-cancerous lesions to be identified at stages when they can easily be treated. 

    In low and middle income countries, there is limited access to these preventative measures and cervical cancer is often not identified until it has further advanced and symptoms develop. In addition, access to treatment of such late-stage disease (for example, cancer surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy) may be very limited, resulting in a higher rate of death from cervical cancer in these countries.

    The high mortality rate from cervical cancer globally (Age Standardized Rate: 6.9/100,000 in 2018) could be reduced by effective interventions.

    Cervical cancer control: A comprehensive approach

    The Global strategy towards eliminating cervical cancer as a public health problem adopted by the WHA in 2020, recommends a comprehensive approach to cervical cancer prevention and control. The recommended set of actions includes interventions across the life course.

    The life-course approach to cervical cancer interventions

    Primary preventionSecondary preventionTertiary prevention 
     Girls 9-14 years
    HPV vaccination
    Women 30 years old or older All women as needed
    Girls and boys, as appropriateHealth information and warnings about tobacco useSex education tailored to age and cultureCondom promotion and provision for those engaged in sexual activityMale circumcision
    Screening with a high-performance test equivalent or better than HPV test Followed by immediate treatment or as quickly as possible, of pre-cancer lesions
    Treatment of invasive cancer at any ageSurgeryRadiotherapyChemotherapyPalliative care

    It should be multidisciplinary, including components from community education, social mobilization, vaccination, screening, treatment and palliative care.

    Primary prevention begins with HPV vaccination of girls aged 9-14 years, before they become sexually active. 

    Women who are sexually active should be screened for abnormal cervical cells and pre-cancerous lesions, starting from 30 years of age in the general population of women. Screening for sexually active women living with HIV should start at an earlier age, once they have tested positive for HIV. 

    If treatment of pre-cancer is needed to excise abnormal cells or lesions, cryotherapy or thermal ablation both destroy abnormal tissue on the cervix) is recommended and is performed in outpatient clinic.

    If signs of cervical cancer are present, treatment options for invasive cancer include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy and patients need to be referred to the right level of services.

    HPV vaccination

    There are currently 3 vaccines that have been prequalified, all protecting against both HPV 16 and 18, which are known to cause at least 70% of cervical cancers. The third vaccine protects against five additional oncogenic HPV types, which cause a further 20% of cervical cancers. Given that the vaccines which are only protecting against HPV 16 and 18 also have some cross-protection against these other less common HPV types which cause cervical cancer, WHO considers the three vaccines equally protective against cervical cancer. Two of the vaccines also protect against HPV types 6 and 11, which cause anogenital warts.

    Clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance have shown that HPV vaccines are very safe and very effective in preventing infections with HPV infections, high grade precancerous lesions and invasive cancer (3)

    HPV vaccines work best if administered prior to exposure to HPV. Therefore, WHO recommends to vaccinate girls, aged between 9 and 14 years, when most have not started sexual activity. The vaccines cannot treat HPV infection or HPV-associated disease, such as cancer.

    Some countries have started to vaccinate boys as the vaccination prevents genital cancers in males as well as females, and two available vaccines also prevent genital warts in males and females.

    WHO recommends vaccination for girls aged between 9 and 14 years, as this is the most cost- effective public health measure against cervical cancer 

    HPV vaccination does not replace cervical cancer screening. In countries where HPV vaccine is introduced, screening programmes may still need to be developed or strengthened.

    Screening and treatment of pre-cancer lesions

    Cervical cancer screening involves testing for pre-cancer and cancer, more and more testing for HPV infection is performed.  Testing is done among women who have no symptoms and may feel perfectly healthy. When screening detects an HPV infection or pre-cancerous lesions, these can easily be treated, and cancer can be avoided. Screening can also detect cancer at an early stage and treatment has a high potential for cure. 

    Because pre-cancerous lesions take many years to develop, screening is recommended for every woman from aged 30 and regularly afterwards (frequency depends on the screening test used). For women living with HIV who are sexually active, screening should be done earlier, as soon as they know their HIV status. 

    Screening has to be linked to treatment and management of positive screening tests. Screening without proper management in place is not ethical.

    There are 3 different types of screening tests that are currently recommended by WHO:

    • HPV DNA testing for high-risk HPV types
    • Visual inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA)
    • conventional (Pap) test and liquid-based cytology (LBC)

    For treatment of pre-cancer lesions, WHO recommends the use of cryotherapy or thermal ablation and Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) when available. For advanced lesions, women should be referred for further investigations and adequate management.

    Management of invasive cervical cancer

    When a woman presents symptoms of suspicion for cervical cancer, she must be referred to an appropriate facility for further evaluation, diagnosis and treatment.

    Symptoms of early stage cervical cancer may include:

    • Irregular blood spotting or light bleeding between periods in women of reproductive age;
    • Postmenopausal spotting or bleeding;
    • Bleeding after sexual intercourse; and
    • Increased vaginal discharge, sometimes foul smelling.

    As cervical cancer advances, more severe symptoms may appear including:

    • Persistent back, leg and/or pelvic pain;
    • Weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite;
    • Foul-smell discharge and vaginal discomfort; and
    • Swelling of a leg or both lower extremities.

    Other severe symptoms may arise at advanced stages depending on which organs cancer has spread.

    Diagnosis of cervical cancer must be made by histopathologic examination. Staging is done based on tumor size and spread of the disease within the pelvis and to distant organs. Treatment depends on the stage of the disease and options include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Palliative care is also an essential element of cancer management to relieve unnecessary pain and suffering due the disease.

    WHO response

    The World Health Assembly adopted the global strategy to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem and its associated goals and targets for the period 2020–2030 (WHA 73.2) (4).  The global strategy to eliminate cervical cancer has set targets to accelerate the elimination: 

    • a threshold of 4 per 100,000 women-year for elimination as a public health problem
    • 90–70–90 targets that need to be met by 2030 for countries to be on the path towards cervical cancer elimination
    • 90% of girls fully vaccinated with the HPV vaccine by age 15.
    • 70% of women are screened with a high-performance test by 35, and again by 45 years of age.
    • 90% of women identified with cervical disease receive treatment (90% of women with pre-cancer treated; 90% of women with invasive cancer managed).

    WHO has developed guidance and tools on how to prevent and control cervical cancer through vaccination, screening and management of invasive cancer and a knowledge repository will make them available through a single point. WHO works with countries and partners to develop and implement comprehensive programmes in line w the global strategy.